Chapter 59 - Crisis

 The sound of blood curdling screams came from behind him. Soon, more than ten green dwarfs ran out of the forest, pale as they could ever be, as if they had seen ghosts. Chasing behind them, were yellow tree roots as thick as arms.

 These tree roots were very agile. They moved along the ground and lunged out towards the green dwarfs. When the green dwarfs tried to dodge, the roots moved like a python, circling the green dwarfs. It did not even pay attention to their struggling as it pulled them back into the forest. When they were dragged into the forest, it seemed like they had already been strangled to death; their blood dripped on the ground, creating a blood trail.

 Wei Xiao Bei was still able to cope seeing the tree roots, but the following scene left his legs trembling like a newborn duckling.