Chapter 634 - Emperor Liquid

 After communicating with the Mutated Dock, it appeared to have become slightly attached to Wei Xiao Bei.

 This was something that Wei Xiao Bei could understand.

 First, Wei Xiao Bei must have been the first living creature that it encountered or at least the first creature that didn't attack it. 

 Second, the Mutated Dock was constructed in the Wei Family Island in the real world. It was something that he had used money to build and could be considered to be his asset. Even its body had the crest of his house.

 In short, for some mysterious reason, it was easy for the Mutated Dock to be attached to him. 

Naturally, this kind of attachment was pure. It was like a human feeding a fish for a long time, causing the fish to float up whenever it sensed the human coming.

 According to Ao Yan, there were still at least 3 more years before his transformation would finish. 

With that said, a True Dragon was truly different from other creatures.