Chapter 636 - Fengshui Paradise

 Naturally, Wei Xiao Bei was only thinking about this in his mind. After all, things like the Emperor Liquid could only be discovered but not sought. Just because the sexagenary cycle came, it did not mean that he would be able to encounter it, let alone in this time where there was no order in the Dust World.

 Luckily, Wei Xiao Bei was still able to gain some pointers from Ao Yan in the end.

 Using blood as an offering! After he connected with the Mutated Dock, then no matter how one tried, it could not be driven away.

 From Ao Yan's point of view, this was the most inferior method. The best way would have been to refine the Mutated Dock so that it would be able to recognize an owner, but Wei Xiao Bei did not have the skills to do this

 Ao Yan could do it, but if he did, it would become his and could not be given to others.

 Naturally, Wei Xiao Bei believed that this blood offering suited him the best.