Chapter 525 - Western Divine Language (Basic)?

 Naturally, crazed was not an appropriate expression to describe them.

 The Angels' looked incredibly beautiful, but their faces appeared to be only a mold. With the same cold expressions on their face, they all looked the same. 

 Wei Xiao Bei felt that these angels were not alive at all, but robots formed from an assembly line.

 Cold and unfeeling!

 Towards the cold expressions of the enemy, Wei Xiao Bei was also unfeeling.

 Even if the Divine White Mist Great Spear penetrated their bodies, these Angels did not change their expressions at all, not even displaying terror.

 In truth, Wei Xiao Bei had already activated [Law Intimidation] in secret, but what made him speechless was that the Angels were completely immune to it, even if they were very weak.

 They appeared to have no conscience at all as they continued to charge at Wei Xiao Bei and die from his spear.