Chapter 367 - Problems Caused by the Anagami Finger Bone

 Since he had been out of the country for so long, he should finally head back.

 The next morning, Wei Xiao Bei circled the village once, noticing that a few villagers were looking at him confusedly.

 The reason was that the chanting from his left arm had increased in volume, allowing the villagers to hear it.

 For these villagers, hearing Buddhist chants come out of the body was not extraordinary, after all, phones existed that could play such things.

 After noticing this, Wei Xiao Bei let the Fledgling Life Atar suppress the chanting to the lowest possible volume it could.

 In the afternoon, under Wei Xing Wu's arrangement, Wei Xiao Bei was able to return back to China through official means.

 This was done not because Wei Xiao Bei was afraid of being blocked by the guards protecting the national borders, but because he was completely unfamiliar with the roads. If Wei Xiao Bei went back alone, who knows where he might end up.