Chapter 366 - Space Shattering! Dust World Stone!

 There was even the fragment of a road appearing on a rooftop, the fragment of the grassland stuck in between two building fragments, and all sorts of strange combinations.

 It was as if the entire village had become a large jigsaw puzzle that had not been finished. Small latices had appeared all over the village as if waiting for someone to reorganize it.

 However, this scene did not last long. As two fragments that contained fragments of the pagoda collided and shattered, the entire space began to shatter with a domino effect.

 It could be said that the scene was extremely beautiful. Some of the fragments shattered with seven-colored lights and some quietly sunk into the darkness.

 The process became faster as time passed.

 In less than ten minutes, all of the fragments had disappeared, leaving a giant depression on the ground.