Chapter 365 - Anagami Finger Bone!

 The sequence of events might appear fast, but in truth, they were incredibly slow for Wei Xiao Bei who was under the effects of the pagoda.

 Eventually, Wei Xiao Bei knocked into it with his left shoulder.

 In that instance, cracks began to spread out from the place where the pagoda was hit.

 Perhaps because of the danger approaching it, the pagoda's golden light appeared to have become denser and almost solidified. Various scriptures began to resound all throughout Wei Xiao Bei's mind, attempting to control him and remove him as a threat.

 It could be said that the pagoda was truly powerful. The golden light that had condensed sent Wei Xiao Bei backward.

 Electric burst!

 At this point, only one side could continue living! Wei Xiao Bei did not hold back anymore as he released his electricity! A layer of electric plasma suddenly wrapped around him, completely getting rid of the influence the pagoda had over him.