Chapter 544 - A Host of Demons Dancing in Riotous Revelry

 At this time, Xiao Bai Ling had reached the curve. When she turned back to take a look at Wei Xiao Bei, she began to feel a bit worried. After all, the two monsters had frightened her a lot.

 Wei Xiao Bei waved his hand at her, and strangely she felt quite secure. She immediately hid by walking through the curve. Afterward, she undressed and tested the waters. Compared to the air, the water in the creek was a bit warmer.

 After hearing the splash of Xiao Bai Ling entering the water, Wei Xiao Bei's hear felt inexplicably hot and he couldn't help but direct his [Response Pulse] to scan toward the curve of the creek.

 At the curve, water flowed calmly and Xiao Bai Ling's body was half submerged. She first dipped her head to wash the blood off her entire body.

 After she felt a cool breeze pass by, she immediately submerged her entire body in the water.