Chapter 382 - Change! Desertification!

 Yurif was a veteran amongst veterans, and the time he had served in the army was only two years less than Steven.

 Therefore, if veterans like him rejoined society and wished to perform heinous deeds, normal people simply could not stop them.

 Although most of their battle experience was with modern firearms, some of that skill carried over to other types of weapons.

 Wei Xiao Bei ordered Steven to search for and destroy Sacred Beetle Descendants but to stay within a two-kilometer radius from where they currently stood. Satisfied, he then headed toward the blazing mountain range.

 Before the soldiers left the Dust World, Wei Xiao Bei needed to kill more Yong and bathe in their blood to upgrade his two special skills.

 After all, he had to deal with the problem of what would happen when the soldiers returned back to the real world. If he couldn't think of a solution the soldiers would become useless as they would be imprisoned by the US government.