Chapter 391 - The Thousand Eyed Devil!

 The Fiendish Man Fish was truly savage. It turned and bit Xiao Bei on the hand immediately when it was caught.

 If this had been back when Xiao Bei had just entered the Dust World, this one bite would have torn off a piece of flesh from his hand. However, now, he simply pressed lightly with his left hand and the fish could no longer open its jaw. It started to struggle in agony instead.

 Xiao Bei reached out with his left hand and squeezed the Man Fish's head.

 Pu! A boom rang out and the head of the fish was crushed to bits. The next moment, the fish itself vanished into thin air as Xiao Bei put it into his storage bag.

 He repeated the process and soon twenty-one Fiendish Man Fish rested in his storage bag. The evolution points he obtained were just like with the beetles, much more reduced. The fish that were originally worth ten points each were now worth two instead.