Chapter 390 Fiendish Man Fish = Food?

 "Hello, Brother Wei? What's the matter?"

 Perhaps because he had trained a lot in the Dust World, Shan Bing's voice now had a charming and deep quality to it. This was something that he had only dreamt of in the past. After all, having a sexy voice was very handy when trying to chase girls. 

 Of course, after becoming more mature now, Shan Bing didn't care too much for the changes to his voice.

 "Are you familiar with any antique experts?"

 Wei Xiao Bei asked.

 "Antiques of what field?"

 This question demonstrated Shan Bing's growth and maturity. He no longer promised confidently to settle the matter immediately. Instead, he started to ask more detailed questions, while also remaining at a bit of distance and not drilling for every bit of information that he could get.

 In truth, this was the proper way of doing things. If he immediately agreed to deal with the problem and failed to properly settle it, he would waste time instead.