Chapter 316 - Evolve Again

 34.6, 34.7, 34.8…..


 Now on flexibility!

 34.6, 34.7, 34.8…..


 After using up 4400 evolution points, Wei Xiao Bei's agility had reached 40 points.

 However, the pain coming from his muscles and ligaments made him curl up into a ball.

 The pain was not as harsh as when his muscles were melting and reorganizing, but it was a totally different kind of pain.

 This was very hard to explain but it was truly like that

 Just imagine the ligaments in your body quickly shrinking and quickly relaxing over and over again, causing the muscles to spasm.

 This had instantly made Wei Xiao Bei lose control over his body. The pain was like the rising and falling of the tide, making him want to just kill himself to end the suffering.

 Naturally, he could not kill himself even if he wanted to due to losing control of his own body.