Chapter 315 - Allocation of Evolution Points

In the end, the feast lasted for 10 or more rounds. The disciples with low capacity for alcohol were knocked out. The disciples who considered themselves good at drinking could not escape Wei Xiao Bei's counterattack, leaving all of them knocked out.

The second day, their hangovers caused extreme pain when they woke up. The "good stuff" prepared by Reannie in their breakfast made them understand that the best way to offend a girl was to offend the man she liked.

Of course, Reannie was might not necessarily like Wei Xiao Bei. Maybe Wei Xiao Bei just happened to appear when Reannie started to fall in love.

However, this had nothing to do with Wei Xiao Bei.

The second morning, Wei Xiao Bei took a flight to Italy.

Wei Xiao Bei did not enter the Dust World while he was shopping for food ingredients in Italy these few days.

He was not a fool. Although he had never entered the Italy Dust World, he could probably guess its situation.