Chapter 148 - Carrying a Girl While Escaping

 In reality, a lot of people were not afraid of the Zombies, but if they were bitten then they would also become Zombies. This was the frightening part of fighting against them.

 The risks were simply too high!

 However, these people did not think about these things too deeply. If Wei Xiao Bei had been killed, then how were they going to safely escape?

 Humans would only look at the things that were directly in front of them most of the time and would not look any deeper into the future.

 It was not strange for people to do utterly heartless things for small profits.

 Naturally, their words did not escape Wei Xiao Bei's ears.

 With his perception reaching 20 points, let alone whispers, he could even faintly hear every one of their heartbeats.

 However, humans have sympathy. Even though the majority of them were frightened by the Zombies, there were still people who did not lack foresight.