Chapter 193 - Incense Fruit!

 The only problematic thing was that Wei Xiao Bei had already sunk a bit and needed to exert a bit of strength to get out.

 "It seems that sir is actually a friend of the Ming Lun Envoy. This god apologizes."

 The local god was smiling as he cupped his hands and bowed toward Wei Xiao Bei.

 Wei Xiao Bei quickly struggled free from being sunk and let go of his previous fury. He quickly returned the bow, "It is a pleasure to meet you earth god. This humble one's name is Wei Xiao Bei."

 At this moment, Wei Xiao Bei was looking at the card hung on his neck as it glowed with blue light.

 He realized that the local god had seen the details of the stone card.

 "Oh, so it's Sir Wei. I would like to invite Sir Wei to come into my humble temple to drink some tea."

 The local god became slightly more respectful at this moment, as if he was afraid of committing an offense against Wei Xiao Bei. As a result, he cordially invited Wei Xiao Bei inside.