Chapter 533 - Reading As If Flying

 "This little brother is Shi Yan Ming, the librarian of the Sutra Depository Pavilion. If you need to look up a book, you can ask him to help you."

 When the monk left, Wei Xiao Bei did not rush to enter the Sutra Depository Pavillion to go and read the secret scriptures. On the contrary, he curiously chatted with Shi Yan Ming.

 "What is this computer for?"

 Wei Xiao Bei pointed at the computer on the table and asked.

 Shi Yan Ming felt that it was funny and answered, "Could it be that benefactor Wei had never been to a library? This is used to record books and the status of borrowed books."

 Wei Xiao Bei's face immediately reddened as he did not think before asking.

 Although he did not go to the library much, he at least knew that every library had a managing computer.

 Perhaps he had been puzzled by how ancient the Shaolin Temple look that he had forgotten about this.

 How embarrassing!