Chapter 512 - Trouble Comes

 However, this was also a problem.

 When Cerebrates sucked a human's brain, it would also obtain a portion of the person's memories, and from there obtain human secrets.

 In other words, the Cerebrates would know matters about the real world.

 Just like that, this would create problems. Wei Xiao Bei could only speculate what they would be.

 There was a possibility that the Zergs would attack the real world!

 Naturally, it won't be that easy for the Zergs to enter the real world, but some Zerglings and Hydralisks might be able to enter. This was proven with the recent incident.

As long as they were willing to put in the effort, then the restrictions of the real world and the Dust World would not be able to block them.

 The worst part was this point. Other monsters might need to pay a huge price to enter the real world, but Wei Xiao Bei was not worried about it. It was only one or two monsters.