Chapter 513 - Zerg Base

 For Wei Xiao Bei, this was not something he enjoyed doing.

 After running for a hundred kilometers, he saw a boundless blanket of Zerg Creeps.

 That's right, it was Zerg Creeps.

 Anyone who played StarCraft would know what this was. It was one of the most important constructs of the Zergs.

 Other than requiring a Hatchery, the Zergs would need Zerg Creeps to build buildings.

 In simpler terms, once a hatchery appears, the land around it would be blanketed by what was called a creep. Any Zerg constructs would need to be built on the creep. From the start to the finish of construction, the creep would provide nourishment to these Zerg constructs.

 Additionally, the creep provides benefits that could not be found elsewhere.

 For example, it increased the Zerg's moving speed on top of it. It also provided nutrition and detection of any enemy that treads on it.