Chapter 514 - Enmity

 What got Wei Xiao Bei's attention was his battlelog.


Host destroys Zerg Kado's Community's Creep Colony. Relationship with Cerebrate Kadogulala worsens. The relationship with the Zergs worsens.


Host destroys Zerg Kado's Community's Creep Colony. Relationship with Cerebrate Kadogulala worsens. The relationship with the Zergs worsens.

 This was the first time Wei Xiao Bei had seen such a message in his battlelog. Even if he had killed the Zerglings, there was no such thing that appeared in his battlelog, but now, his relationship with the Zergs was worsening.

 Because of this, he found out the name of the Cerebrate as well as the name of this community of the Zergs.

 Naturally, even if the battlelog displayed this information, Wei Xiao Bei did not stop his assault.

 In less than two minutes, Wei Xiao Bei destroyed three more Creep Colonies.