Chapter 614 - 10 Flavor Stew

 After entering the Dust World, Wei Xiao Bei had already obtained a lot of treasures.

 However, the only Immortal Quality treasure that he had was the White Mist Draconic Spear

 This Dragon Scale Wok was the second.

 However, none of the effects written in the status panel made it seem like an Immortal Quality object other than Dragon Scale Defense.

 It did not even have any effect to increase the effect of [Cooking] skill.

 However, he had his own thoughts on this.

 The Wok was something made for cooking and not a weapon. Being able to increase the temperature by itself was already not bad.

 It could also be seen from it that Immortal Quality treasures were not something a normal person could use.

 Just the owner recognition effect would kill a normal person when they offer their blood.