Chapter 615 - Gas of Appealing Food

 At this time, Wei Xiao Bei felt as if his energy was gradually draining.

 Although he did not know why this was happening, there was no mistaking it!

 He did not dare move, nor could he move!

 He did not even dare to activate [Enlightenment].

 The cyan-colored steam made Wei Xiao Bei feel as if it was alive yet not alive, but it was also as if a tiger watching him like prey.

 He even began feeling if there was something wrong with his perception.

 "Eh? What's happening?"

 A voice suddenly echoed.

 Ao Yan had woken up.

 He opened his eyes in a daze and looked toward Wei Xiao Bei.

 When he looked at the cyan-colored steam, he could not help but open his eyes and blurt out, "The aura of a Spiritual Treasure!"

 As his voice landed, Ao Yan impatiently stretched out his claws and caught the cyan-colored steam.

 Wei Xiao Bei used his [Response Pulse] to sense saliva dripping at the sides of Ao Yan's mouth.