Chapter 207 - Cheap Food

 Instantly, the struggling Dang Kang was pierced by the great spear through its head. With a pull, the hole left by the great spear spilled out brain juice and blood.

 Perhaps seeing its comrade's death, the other giant boar struggled even more to free itself.

 When Wei Xiao Bei had pulled out the spear, the sound of ice breaking echoed as the other wild boar was able to get out.

 The wild boar's line of thinking was truly different from a normal person.

 If it was a human, the majority would escape after seeing a strong enemy or look for an opportunity.

 The wild boar tried to run away after breaking the ice, but after seeing Wei Xiao Bei, it lowered its head and charged at him with a rumble.

 Against this charge, let alone Wei Xiao Bei, even two or three of him would not be enough to face it.

 However, Wei Xiao Bei was not a boar, but a living, thinking human being.