Chapter 486 - Breaking Past Three-Star Terror!

 This was a mechanical effect. understanding the frequency of an item, you could destroy an entire object by outputting a small amount of force at the correct frequency. 

 Tesla had once used this principle to create a small earthquake in New York. This verified the terror of the Tesla Effect. The earthquake had terrified the nearby civilians such that they thought the apocalypse was coming. (TN: MythBusters busted this myth, so don't take this as fact.)

 Of course, Wei Xiao Bei wasn't sure how much this skill had to do with the Tesla Effect. After all, that was science and the power he possessed might be beyond science.

 Wei Xiao Bei could easily shatter a boulder that was ten or thirty-meters tall, let alone this three-meter large boulder!

 This alone improved Wei Xiao Bei's power by an immeasurable degree.