Chapter 475 - One Terrifying Strike

 Finally, the swan drew its last breath amidst a weak cry for help.

 At this instant, Wei Xiao Bei felt a chill run down his back for no reason, as if something incredibly dangerous was surging toward him from below.

 "Let's go!"

 He did not hesitate at all. He reached with both his hands, grabbing Kashmir and Andre, who were both on the tree branches, and jumped, somersaulted through the air and started running toward the higher branches.

 He even activated [Intermediate Power Burst] to increase his speed to its maximum. In the blink of an eye, they had charged over a hundred meters away from their original location.

 The danger Wei Xiao Bei had sensed finally lowered when they were five hundred meters away.

 More accurately, this danger wasn't aimed at him. He was merely an unfortunate victim caught in it.