Chapter 427 - Flame Resistance

 Wei Xiao Bei was simply unable to block this attack at all.

 No matter what he did to defend, Zhao Yun would be able to easily find a hole in his defense and win.

 As for attacking, Wei Xiao Bei did not get the chance to attack even once.

 It's as Zhao Yun had said, if one wishes to attack, one must take a beating first.

 After being oppressed the entire afternoon by Zhao Yun, Wei Xiao Bei's entire body was aching. Even his skin was slightly purplish, and he felt his skull have a few cracks in it.

 Although Zhao Yun did not make any fatal moves, his attacks were still at the very limit of Wei Xiao Bei's endurance.

 His control over his strength was very precise. Just a bit more and Wei Xiao Bei's flesh would blow up, and his bones would crack. If it was any weaker then there would probably be no effect at all.

 In short, Wei Xiao Bei was resting on the ground, taking a short break to recover.