Chapter 459 - Evolution Point-Guzzler

 Apart from the four already finalized foundational creatures, there were still six blank creature templates for Wei Xiao Bei to use. This was more than enough.

 As his thoughts started to branch out, the silhouette of a wolf quickly appeared on a blank creature template in his mind.

 Indeed, this was the form of the Giant Wolves.

 The Life Altar had devoured the corpses of the Giant Wolves and could use those as the foundations of the template. Also, due to the Life Altar's [Gene Assimilation], a clearer and more detailed image of the wolf appeared in Wei Xiao Bei's mind.

 This was very important, as [Gene Assimilation] was undoubtedly an enhanced version of the Life Altar's original skills.

 With the aid of this skill, the template of the fifth foundational creature was quickly finalized.