Chapter 422 - 4-Star Elite?

 Afterward, Zhang Xin's status entered Wei Xiao Bei's mind.

Name: Zhang Xin

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Creature Rank: 4-Star

Status: Unknown

Skills: Unknown

Special Skills: Unknown

Items on Hand: Unknown


 After looking at Zhang Xin's status, Wei Xiao Bei was surprised.

 Other than the name, race, and gender which could be understood from the outside appearance, nothing else could be seen aside from the creature rank.

 Naturally, this already made Wei Xiao Bei's eyes glitter.

 Previously, Zhang Xin was most likely a 3-Star Terror Creature and he had now seen him become a 4-Star Creature.

 He needed to pull out the secret to reaching the 4-Star level.