Chapter 196 - Health Check Up

 In truth, when Wei Xiao Bei imagined himself being trapped inside the censer, his back would go cold. As for the meaning of the local god when he said not more than one year, he also understood it.

 It was like when prisoners were sent to the mines for work. It was easy to imagine how long they could actually live for.

 No matter what was said, Wei Xiao Bei was now relieved.

 He pondered for a bit before before searching on the internet. Unfortunately, the rural tourism building did not have anything luxurious like wi-fi.

 Having a network plan would be the best, otherwise only mobile data could be used, which was a bit more expensive.

 However, Wei Xiao Bei's computer was back home so he only used his phone to make calls and act as a database, so he did not have a network plan.

 The good thing was that it did not matter much. After all, Wei Xiao Bei was not poor anymore, so he did not care about this.