Chapter 363 - Losing Five Senses

 In the end, the tendrils shrunk back into the crack, leaving behind an ash gray bone powder.

 The nutrients found in the human corpse had been absorbed by the strands and placed in the Fledgling Life Altar's storage.

 Naturally, a single corpse was not enough.

 Wei Xiao Bei's gaze immediately landed on a rabbit that was nibbling on leaves.

 After looking at it, Wei Xiao Bei shook his head and jumped into the river.

 This was not because Wei Xiao Bei had suddenly become merciful.

 In truth, he felt that the rabbit's permanent death would be like freedom for them, freeing them from getting deeper into this terrifying cycle.

 However, at this time, Wei Xiao Bei did not want the Fledgling Life Altar to go back into a deep sleep.

 After all, the thirteen rabbits hid golden strands in their bodies. It was very possible for the Fledgling Life Altar to become full again and go back to sleep to evolve.