Chapter 439 - Centaur? Demon?

 Naturally, this enlargement was not limitless. When the body of the pig increased to more than a meter, it had reached its peak.

 This enhanced modulation had consumed two hundred pieces of flesh.

 Naturally, the most important point was that after consuming the flesh, 500 evolution points had been consumed.

 Luckily, the cost was only 500 evolution points, which left him relieved.

 Next, Wei Xiao Bei immediately gave it the ability of [Skin Hardening]. This was an ability originally possessed by the Dang Kang. It consumed a hundred pieces of flesh and 200 evolution points.

 Afterward, Wei Xiao Bei granted the High-Temperature Bird's wings on the first foundational creature. This time the consumption was big.

 The flesh consumed amounted to five hundred. It must be known that the capacity of the Fledgling Life Altar was only three thousand.

 In other words, the storage was almost clean.