Chapter 438 - Enchanced Modulation

 In truth, even the Shing Wong Border Patrollers felt that this was a bit strange. They wondered where their helper had run off to.

 It must be said that those Gargoyles were strange. When they had approached the Black Church, they had just fallen to the ground without even the slightest scruple against the pursuing soldiers. It was to the point that once the soldiers caught up and reached the square, they had a great time killing them. The Gargoyles did not resist at all as they had been killed by the soldiers.

 Among them, the executioner was the most outstanding. He brandished his huge cleaver, killing three Gargoyles with every chop.

 However, the situation quickly changed. The square suddenly let out black smoke that polluted the soldiers' bodies, causing them to bleed and collapse.

 Wei Xiao Bei only turned around when he felt that he was in a safe location.