Chapter 620 - Hunger

 "Ok. All of you, announce your address and phone numbers to me."

 Wei Xiao Bei used his [Enlightenment] to scan these people once and inquired them one by one.

 Toward Wei Xiao Bei's questions, the majority of the people were worried, wondering what he was going to do with that information.

 Thus, many people told lies when reporting their phone numbers and addresses.

 However, Wei Xiao Bei did not expose their lies.

 He was only concerned with discerning these people's natures. As for their addresses and their phone numbers, they were all listed in their status panels very clearly and were remembered by Wei Xiao Bei.

 On the other hand, among the people, there were only 7 who were honest about their phone numbers and addresses. Ling Hu Zhong was among them.

 These seven people were already people that Wei Xiao Bei planned to lure in.