Chapter 619 - Luck?

 One man among them appeared to be chasing the girl of his dreams into a room and in the end, he woke up after being splashed by cold water.

 Moreover, he did not even sense that he was inside an illusion. He only got angry and began cursing, "F***! Which b****** splashed water on me? Come out, I will kill you!"

 Well, it was a very typical curse. 

 However, at this time, Wei Xiao Bei's fists already smashed into the water.

 At that instant, the pure power of the blast was more than 30 tons.

 The lake surface suddenly burst as if a deep-water bomb had just exploded. In the blink of an eye, the surface turned into a huge wave, sweeping in all directions.

 The initial splash that Wei Xiao Bei caused had already woken up the people from the illusion.