Chapter 322 - Clone of the Mutated Farmer’s Market

The street that the creature was located on was not wide. It was only around 17-18 meters in width. The giant flesh cow would crush the balconies of houses on both sides of the street when it moved around.

The once sturdy balconies immediately fell when the giant flesh cow walked past. Some poorly-constructed buildings even started shaking, almost being crushed by the giant cow.

Cement began to crumble piece by piece for every step the creature took.

The cement road could withstand traffic from numerous cars every day, but it couldn't withstand the weight of the cow's stomps.

Although the giant cow looked small from the top of their building, Shan Bing could easily guess the enormous size of the giant cow by comparing it with the surrounding buildings.

Honestly, it wasn't that Shan Bing hadn't seen a giant beast before.