Chapter 559 - Mess

 Naturally, he needed to consult with his master in order to do so. After all, the Cheng Clan Dojo was the lifeblood of his master. Although his master had already moved out of Cui Hu City, Wei Xiao Bei had not yet officially completed his apprenticeship. He still needed to inform his master of this matter.

 As he was thinking this, Shi Yan Zhen walked beside him.

 Shi Yan Zhen was currently introducing the ethical school to Wei Xiao Bei. It was clear that he was familiar with the school.

 The ethical school was one personally taught by a martial monk after all. As a martial monk himself, Shi Yan Zhen had also come to teach before.

 "Martial Uncle Yan Zhen! What wind blows you here today?"

 As Shi Yan Zhen was talking non-stop, a clear voice echoed, cutting him off. When he looked in the direction of the voice, he replied, "Amitabha Buddha. It is definitely good wind, blown by the Buddha."