Chapter 433 - Gains and Losses


 In the future, whoever provokes me can taste this powder!

 Just when Wei Xiao Bei was rather giddy, the Ming Lun Envoy took the storage bag that Wei Xiao Bei was wearing as a wristwatch. She searched inside and frowned, "Your storage bad is so disordered and filled with stuff. Sigh, if I dump it all out, it might just break, wait for this envoy here."

 The Ming Lun Enovy returned the storage bag to Wei Xiao Bei and became golden light that rose and floated toward the Bai Ta Hills.

 While waiting Wei Xiao Bei felt a bit of regret.

 If it was like last time that the Ming Lun Envoy brought it back to level up and it became destroyed, then she would give him a new one. At the same time, the destroyed one would be left to him. Although it could not recognize an owner, there would still be a large amount of useable space inside.

 Wei Xiao Bei admitted that he was thinking too much.