Chapter 178 - Quickly Learning Medicine!

 "Both of you should leave first! I will protect you."

 Wei Xiao Bei saw their appearance and knew that Zhu Xin Yi could not go on anymore, so he quickly called out to them.

 With Wei Xiao Bei guarding at the side, Huang Kun became relieved. He laid Zhu Xin Yi on the ground and also laid down as well.

 After lying down, Huang Kun bitterly smiled as pride rose up from within him.

 The past him would never be able to imagine he would become this brave. After all, even though his parents had divorced, his life was still pleasurable. He had been heavily injured yet he could still continue on. The floor was full of dust yet he could still lie down on it without hesitation.

 Huang Kun and Zhu Xin Yi as well as the four saplings slowly became transparent and then disappeared. Wei Xiao Bei sighed in relief. Then he ignored his injuries and the pain as he lied still on the ground, continuously thinking of leaving.
