Chapter 466 - Cannon Fodder

 Perhaps even steel would be no match in front of this hammer.

 However, Wei Xiao Bei did not want to tangle with the dwarves. He leaped and headbutted the two dwarves in front of him and sent them flying. Afterward, the hammers that dropped to the ground were kicked by Wei Xiao Bei, sending them flying away toward the group of dwarves, causing them to spit out blood.

 Just like that Wei Xiao Bei did not stay standing and continued crawling on the ground. As long as there were dwarves that approached him, if they were not headbutted, he would kick them and even break their arms, causing them to collapse.

 After becoming a neutral jing expert, Wei Xiao Bei's every movement could become an attack. Now that he was a cosmic jing expert, dealing with the dwarves that were probably 2-Star Terror Creatures was easy as pie.