Chapter 134 - Strange Sound of Footsteps.

 It was not good to think too much, so Wei Xiao Bei just downed three bottles of liquor. Then he lied down on the bed and slowly closed his eyes…...

 His mind began to feel dizzy…...


 Wake up!

 When Wei Xiao Bei had regained his mind's clarity, he subconsciously grasped the White Mist Knife on his waist, while his right hand landed on his great spear. He stretched his body while gathering energy, before slowly opening his eyes.

 Actually, before he had even opened his eyes, he had already perceived from the smell and his intuition that he was in a safe place.

 However, after experiencing countless dangers in The Dust World, he did not want to let his guard down at all.

 After all, there were a lot of monsters that could cause illusions. At the very least, Wei Xiao Bei had met two of them before, the Fiendish Man Fish and the Thousand Eyed Devil.