Chapter 293 - Elephant Trunk

 When the elephant had received this attack, it let out a miserable cry. It turned around and saw Wei Xiao Bei who was picking up a javelin.

 The Carthaginian soldier on it should have regained control and pulled on the rope to immediately turn around and attack Wei Xiao Bei.

 Without a doubt, the threat of a directed war elephants was bigger than one without. Moreover, when the war elephant approached Wei Xiao Bei, the Carthaginians on top of it threw javelins at him.

 The soldiers on top were 2-Star Elite Creatures. If they wanted to injure Wei Xiao Bei, the difficulty was high.

 Wei Xiao Bei stretched out his hands and caught the javelins flying towards him. With a turn of his body, he threw back the javelins that he had caught.

 Puff! Puff!

 The sound of something pierced sounded twice. The soldiers on the elephant had fallen from it.