Chapter 359 The Golden Buddha Statue and the Black Mist

 As the golden light appeared, the black mist floated downward and landed upon the light. A burning, sizzling sound was released, coming from the points of contact between the light and mist.

 Chanting sounds rang out to accompany the sizzling, which he believed to be in Sanskrit. Wei Xiao Bei might not understand the language, but he could tell from the intonation that it was the Great Compassion Mantra.

 It couldn't be helped. Wei Xiao Bei might not know much about Buddhism, but it was quite trendy to play the Great Compassion Mantra in the streets back when Wei Xiao Bei started working in Cui Hu. The loudspeakers of music shops would be blaring the Mantra both day and night. Wei Xiao Bei had the tune of the Mantra engraved in his mind even if he didn't understand a single word of it.

A distracting noise came from the black mist as the chanting started to get louder.