Chapter 320 - Unbearable

Shan Bing steadily regained consciousness.

Wei Xiao Bei slowly approached him. He didn't do so to display his dominance, but instead in response to the strange house behind him. He was on high alert, and ready to escape at any time.

"What is this place…? Mom, I want to go home — I want to go home now!"

Shan Bing had without a doubt seen the Lickers.

He was having a mental breakdown due to the sight of such a scary and bizarre creature. He cried out like a three-year-old child who was in desperate need of their mom.

Seeing the originally high-spirited and reckless young master in such a state, We Xiao Bei couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't sympathize with him, but he couldn't help but exclaim over the huge changes that had occurred.

In fact, if it was half a year ago, Wei Xiao Bei would have been envious of someone born into a rich family like Shan Bing.