Chapter 338 - Wandering Ba-Serpent

 After talking, Wei Xiao Bei's group followed along the river.

 This was the path that Wei Xiao Bei especially chosen. As long as they evaded the area where the Ba-Serpent wandered, then they could stay safe.

 While taking a detour, Zhu Xin Yi and Huang Kun were lucky to witness the magnificent sight of the Ba-Serpent coming out of the water.

 A giant body floated out of the lake as a hill-sized snake head appeared. It flicked its tongue like a python and observed its surroundings with its big, cold eyes. Afterwards, it once again submerged its big body into the water, causing huge waves to appear and hit the riverside. It had even caused a huge water pillar to appear, becoming rain when it came down.

 In truth, the lake was not considered very wide with only 7-8 meters in width.

 However, when the river flowed to this area, it expanded from 7-8 meters in length to several hundred meters. In short, the place was a small lake.