Chapter 493 - Inviting the Brush Spirit!

 It was late in the night at eleven when the six boys and one girl arrived at the abandoned laboratory building.

 In all honesty, two of the boys already given up before they even entered the building.

 Just the dim lights, empty environment and the atmosphere of the night were enough to make the more timid ones terrified, let alone making them play Inviting the Brush Spirit. That would only be more horrifying.

 The two boys might actually be timid, or perhaps they sensed something, but they adamantly refused to remain here and turned to leave.

 The remaining four boys and one girl gathered before a table and told some ghost stories first.

 According to the girl, the effect of Inviting the Brush Spirit was at its best at midnight.

 The ghost stories caused goosebumps to rise all over their bodies.

 At 11.50 in the night, Zhang Tian Kun and the other boys started preparing under the instructions of the girl.