Chapter 494 - Brush Spirit Laboratory Building.

 However, such a sinister environment only made Wei Xiao Bei feel even calmer.

 They quickly arrived at the laboratory building. From a distance, the dim lights made the building appear like a giant monster crouching in the darkness.

 Wei Xiao Bei faintly sensed the aura of danger coming from the building as well.

 He wasn't as silly as to just charge into the building. Instead, he kept a healthy distance and opened his eyes to look at it.

 As his eyes opened, the status panel of the laboratory building appeared within his sights.

 Name: Brush Spirit Laboratory Building (High-Quality Structure) 

 Introduction: This building has been transformed due to the Brush Spirit Ceremony. The aura of the Brush Spirit has been affixed to the building from the Dust World, causing this place to become the location where the Brush Spirit can choose its host.