Chapter 70 - Muscle Reconstruction

 What power!

 Wei Xiao Bei clenched his hands. The muscles in his entire body did not appear to have any changes, but the slight bulge was enough to make Wei Xiao Bei feel a sense of invincibility.

 Wei Xiao Bei felt that he could even lift up the entire building.

 Naturally, he knew that this was only a misconception. His strength had increased by a lot after his muscles reached 20 points. This strength simply should have already been at the apex of a human's power.

 But just as he had concluded before, a new ability appeared after his muscle reached 20 points, Elementary Power Burst!

 From the name, this ability would increase his strength. As for how much, he had to try it to know.

 Did my weight decrease?

 He noticed this question while walking up the stairs and carrying the pitchfork.

 Without a doubt, the sweat he produced from the muscle construction had decreased his weight by more than 5 kg.