Chapter 90 - Giant Legs Stepping Down

 Wei Xiao Bei reached the food street, but suddenly stopped and cursed.

 What the fuck?

 The mist that had disappeared from the food street had once again appeared. Worse of all, those Green Dwarfs appeared from the mist and started charging towards him!

 In just a few seconds, more than a hundred Green Dwarfs came out from the mist.

 His pitchfork had been scrapped on the laboratory building's rooftop. Dealing with the Green Dwarfs was much harder than before.


 However, Wei Xiao Bei did not think much about it anymore at this points. He stomped on the ground and charged towards the Green Dwarfs.

 Iron Mountain Lean!

 Although he could slowly defeat the Green Dwarfs, the two legs from the distance were continuously closing in. Wei Xiao bei did not dare bet his luck, so he killed the Green Dwarfs, leaving a trail of blood.