Chapter 632 - Ancient Rain Master

Within half an hour, Wei Xiao Bei recovered, from just a head, to a skeleton.

However, it was not the end yet. After all, the bones had regrown, but the flesh began to gradually regenerate. Connective tissues began to form, as well as his organs, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles, and so on.

After the skin grew back, Wei Xiao Bei stretched a little. He touched his skin, and it felt much smoother than before. There was a tinge of fire red beneath the skin.

He knew how he looked, even without a mirror.

Next, his hair grew back. As he stayed in the magma, his ability to absorb the heat energy from the magma increased.

Wei Xiao Bei did not know when the bead would stop, but he knew the pool of magma started to solidify into volcanic rocks, beginning with him as the center, trapping him inside.


Wei Xiao Bei shouted as he channeled energy outward from his body and broke free from the volcanic rock.