Chapter 516 - Can Sacrifice Again

 In other words, normal flames could not harm Wei Xiao Bei anymore.

 For example, if he extended his hand into a normal kitchen stove flame, his hand would remain the same skin color even if he kept it there for an hour.

 This was a type of inherent change!

 Wei Xiao Bei even began suspecting that once this ability increases more then he might even be able to absorb flames.

 This was not a joke as it was a very possible thing for the Dust World.

 His injuries needed some time to recover, but he was not in a rush.

 He left the bathroom and lay down on his bed. Then he swallowed a Soul Pearl obtained from the Skeleton Birds.

 After he swallowed it, cold undead energy immediately entered his stomach and quickly expanded all through his body.

 However, before it could completely spread, Wei Xiao Bei had mercilessly suppressed it.