Chapter 105 - Face (reputation)

 Giving Huang Da Jun half a bottle of water was already giving Li Lan Xing enough face.

 Seeing the bottle of water, Huang Da Jun was happy beyond expectation. He twisted the bottle cap and poured the contents down his throat, only stopping when a small layer of water was left.

 Seeing Huang Da Jun's appearance, Wei Xiao Bei originally wanted to stop him from finishing it, after all, water was a hard to find resource in The Dust World. If he did not economize water, he would suffer in the end.

 What? There is water in Lake Cui? Why don't you try to get two bottles yourself?

 At the very least, Wei Xiao Bei did not have any plans to go to Lake Cui due to the dangers there.

 "So good!" If it was the previous Huang Da Jun, he would not be willing to drink water that others had drunk from before. He thought that if there was saliva, it could be infectious and had bacteria and whatnot, it could even cause stomach cancer!